Movie Story:
Hazel Grace Lancaster (Shailene Woodley), a 16-year-old cancer patient, meets and falls in love with Gus Waters (Ansel Elgort), a similarly afflicted teen from her cancer support group. Hazel feels that Gus really understands her. They both share the same acerbic wit and a love of books, especially Grace’s touchstone, “An Imperial Affliction” by Peter Van Houten. When Gus scores an invitation to meet the reclusive author, he and Hazel embark on the adventure of their brief lives.
Movie Info:
IMDB Rating: 7.7/10
Movie Type: Romance/Drama
Running Time: 2h 13m
Director: Josh Boone
Release Date: June 6, 2014
Language: English
Movie Thumbnail:
Note: Audio in English and it has Hindi Subtitle, its Hindi Version Dil Bechara releasing soon so wait.